Moving house is a task in itself, balancing it with Christmas more so. Most people would prefer to spend their holiday season celebrating with family and friends rather than having to move home but sometimes these things happen. The best you can do is be prepared, we’re here with our top tips for moving house over Christmas.
The first thing you should try and do is choose a moving day with bearable weather. If it is forecast to snow all week choose the day of the week where it will be at its lightest if you can. Also think about which roads you’ll be using, try and stick with main roads if possible as they are the safest during winter thanks to the snow ploughs and gritters spreading salt.
Planning your packing will make everything much easier, start with the items you’ll need the least and work backwards. When the time rolls around for you to make the move only the essentials won’t be packed away.
Be careful now to misplace any important documents or special items like jewellery as things like to go missing during a move. If you are lending the help of professional packers remember to label which boxes are fragile so nothing gets damaged.
Winter isn’t known for being warm and dry so make sure you’ve got a warm coat, hat and gloves if the weather’s not great on the day. When you’re loading up your vehicle you might have to do a few trips so be careful not to slip up or track snow into the house.
If you are using your own vehicle make sure it’s prepped, driving in the winter is difficult at the best of times never mind with a loaded-up car, consider getting snow tires and if worst comes to worst something to dig your car out if it gets stuck.
Just like you would with a regular move don’t forget to pass your new address onto the people you want to tell. Your neighbours might be able to help if post is sent to your old address or if the new tenants need to contact you for whatever reason.
So there you go! A few top tips to help you if you’re moving house over Christmas. We understand that moving is difficult at the best of times. If you need professional assistance don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll see what we can do for you.