In the process of moving home, it’s important not to leave things last minute. When packing, take into account what you need to take with you and what needs packing carefully. Here are some great tips to utilise that will make it easier when you move into your new humble abode.
The packing process is extremely vital and a plan should probably be put in place before you begin so you’re properly prepared and organised. Plan how you think each room should be packed. By starting at the top and moving downwards, you’ll find it’s easier to remove things really hidden away and aren’t needed anymore. Select the packing materials you’ll need. For delicate items such as fine china, we’d recommend using a whole load of bubble wrap and packing it carefully within cardboard boxes and foam. Be sure to find boxes of different sizes and think about the other items you’ll need such as wrapping tape and labels to organise out the items you’re taking with you.
All home movers appreciate hacks that save time, effort and money. One of our top packing hacks is to label each box with relevant words that will remind you what is in each box. For example, empty accessories, take clothes off of hangers, separate wires and separate them into their own respective boxes. You can then label the boxes with e.g. ‘wires’, ‘kids clothes’, ‘bathroom cabinet’ and so on.
When packing large items such as heavy appliances, furniture, computers, hard drives and ovens, the packing process is a little different. Furniture should be disassembled and packed together in bubble wrap. Computers e.g. hard drives must be heavily packed to ensure they aren’t damaged since they are quite fragile and the smallest of falls can cause them to break. On the other hand, fridge freezers must be drained and defrosted so that nothing leaks and damages the vehicular transportation in the process of moving (be sure to take your foodstuff out and into a cooler bag!).
As mentioned above, there will undoubtedly be items that you don’t want to take with you as they take up too much essential space. If these are still usable and can be given away to a new home, why not donate them to places that are less fortunate? Things such as seasonal items (lawnmowers, trimmers etc) or clothes, Christmas lights and so on, can simply be given away to charity. You can learn more about decluttering and donating here.
If you’re a Marie Condo fan, you’ll already know what we’re on about. In fact, any storage solution company would suggest that the best way to store clothes would be to roll clothes. This is because it saves tons of space and it’s so practical to simply pop back into a drawer. The same goes for boxes, you’ll find rather than throwing clothes into cardboard boxes, by rolling them into a box, you’ll have much more space to fill with other clothes (meaning less boxes being used!)
Tips like this may be common sense, but are easily forgotten so must be mentioned. By adding the heavier items at the bottom of the cardboard box, not only will it make it easier to recognise items if they are stacked, but it’ll keep the weight at the bottom of the box. What’s more is that it will keep things that could be broken, from damage if the heavier items are placed correctly at the bottom. Once this is done, be sure to add a label to each separate box so you know in advance which boxes to begin with when you decide when to build your computer again.
So there you have it, our top moving house hacks which are quite straightforward and make the process much more straightforward if you’re unsure where to start. If you are struggling with a big enough vehicle for your moving process, get in contact with us to see how we can help you today. Happy packing!