Our pets become an extra member of our family. Your pet provides you with unconditional love and affection and home doesn’t feel like home when they aren’t there. But moving house with pets can be stressful for both you and your pet. Don’t worry though we have a few top tips to share that should make your move much easier.
If you’re stressed then it’s likely that your pets are too! So if you can, it is best to keep them away from the chaos of moving. See if a friend or family member can look after them on the day of your move, or whilst you are doing the bulk of your packing. Keeping them out of the house means they won’t get in the way and won’t get riled up from everything going on around them.
If you can’t send them for a day-long holiday with someone, try and put them in a specific room with everything they’ll need after you’ve cleared it out. Put their beds, toys, food, water, and some treats in there to make sure that they are comfortable and relaxed. Just make your movers are aware so they don’t go in and disturb your pets.
Also, remember to change the details on your pet’s microchip if it has one in case they decide to take themselves out for a walk after you move. If they have a collar with your address on it, make sure to get that updated too.
Depending on how far away you are from your new home, take your dog (if you have one) to the area for a walk. This can help your pet feel a bit more comfortable and accustomed to their surroundings when the move happens. Before you let them out post-move make sure all fences and gates are secure so they don’t run off.
Before you introduce your pet to your new home make sure they have somewhere comfortable ahead of time. This could be getting their bed and toys in place so they have somewhere to go and call their own whilst you do what you need to.
Remember to keep an eye on them to make sure they aren’t getting too stressed with everything going on.
f you have a cat it’s best to keep them inside for a while after the move, around a week or two so they can adjust to their new surroundings. Cats are more stressed out by moves than a dog would be. So you will need to give them time to settle in properly, so introduce them to each room individually and keep an eye on them in case they get trapped when trying to hide.
Also, speak to your old neighbours if you stay local, your cat might return to your old house. Ask your neighbours to keep an eye out and get in touch if that happens. Keep in mind to tell them not to feed your cat as that can encourage it to keep returning.
People like surprises but if you don’t tell your removal company about your pets it can cause unnecessary hassle, especially with animals like snakes or tropical fish who need to be kept warm.
Chances are your moving company will be happy to accommodate your pets but need to know beforehand for any equipment they might need.
So hopefully this guide should help you with your next move. Just try and keep your pet comfortable and things should go fine. Remember to register them at a new vet if you move far away and update all the documents and details you need to keep them safe.
If you are looking for help with your next move feel free to get in touch with us today for a free quote, we’d be happy to help!